Board of Trustees
Looking for an opportunity to deepen your connection to Rowe? The Rowe Board of Trustees is a small but actively engaged group of individuals who are passionate about Rowe’s mission and enjoy working together and moving Rowe forward.
The Rowe Center Board Members
The Rowe Board of Trustees serves in an oversight capacity, including policy, strategic planning, and growing revenue to keep the organization vibrant and healthy.
The Board is composed of between 7 – 11 members, including 4 officers and up to 7 members-at-large. Trustees represent a cross-section of the communities served by Rowe, and have the skills and experience that contribute to the purpose and mission of Rowe.
Serving on the Board requires a significant commitment of time and dedication, and it is energizing and rewarding in many ways. If you are interested in becoming a Board member, please contact us today by emailing We will be in touch with you to discuss the process.
Holly Thompson
Phoebe Westwood
Kim Gabert
Ann Crawford
Julie Blattman Baeder
Jenna Cusack
Daniel Farbman
Alice Goldfarb
Andrew Kerivan
George Nichols
Karl Paulnack
About Board Membership
Serving on the Board is an important gift of service to Rowe, and requires a willingness to work collaboratively with others who are also serving Rowe. In addition to attending six meetings a year, Board members participate in committee work and take an active role in fundraising and ongoing board business.
Board members must be members of The Rowe Center, and are selected with the goal of maintaining a balanced Board of Trustees who can bring a diversity of viewpoints and experiences to the Board. Some examples of the skills we seek are finance and accounting, program evaluation, human resources, camp leadership, organizational development, and nonprofit law, among others. While we are seeking the specific skills and experience the Board needs, and representation from all sectors of Rowe, it is also important that the officers and Trustees reflect a commitment to the organization and a willingness to make informed decisions based on the good of the whole organization.
Nominating Process
If you are interested in exploring Board membership, please complete a short Application to Join the Rowe Center Board of Trustees. The Chair of the Nominating Committee will be in touch once we receive your information to review the process and next steps. You may also nominate someone else using the same form.
General Duties of Trustees
- Serve in good faith as a Trustee of the Board of the corporation
- Be a member in good standing.
- Attend six regular meetings of the Board of Trustees each fiscal year, online or in person.
- Attend the annual meeting at Rowe in September.
- Be reasonably available and reliably reached for Board business via email or phone.
- Respond to Board business in a timely fashion.
- Contribute to the financial security of Rowe with an annual financial contribution. There is no minimum amount, but we ask that you consider an amount that represents a significant gift from you.
- Contribute to the financial security of Rowe by assisting in the Board of Trustees fundraising efforts.
- Serve in good faith on at least one Board committee.
- Occasionally assume other tasks as requested by an Officer of the Board for a specific purpose and limited duration.
(Trustees serve on a volunteer basis but may receive compensation for reasonable expenditures directly connected to such service.)
Policy Board
The Board of Trustees operates under a policy board model, based on the following definition.
- Delegates (in writing) responsibility for day-to-day managing and operating of the organization.
- Creates, reviews, and then approves governance policies regarding how the board will conduct its own work and business of the board, and framework policies such as vision, mission, purpose, and core values.
- Defines how the Executive Director will be held accountable for use of financial resources, program/service outcomes, and human resource practices.
- Supports the Executive Director and appraises their performance annually.
- Ensures the organization has the financial resources necessary to fulfill its mission.
Deepen Your Connection With Rowe
Serving on a committee or task force is a great way to give back to Rowe and a rewarding opportunity for those looking to deepen their connection. Most committees report to the Board of Trustees, some report to the Executive Director, all are critical to The Rowe Center’s success. Terms and responsibilities vary by committee, and you need not be a board member to apply. Rowe is always looking for talented individuals. If you feel called to serve, please click below for more information.
Board of Trustees Committees
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee is responsible for the development of sound policies, procedures and Board practices to ensure that the Board of Trustees exercises its fiduciary oversight of Rowe in a way that is consistent with applicable state and federal law, regulatory requirements, and best practices in the field. The Governance Committee will be responsible for ongoing Board education in these matters.
Nominating Committee
The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to recruit, review, and make recommendations of candidates for the board. The committee chair presents a slate of candidates to the members of the corporation for approval at its Annual Meeting every fall.
Personnel Committee
In cooperation with the Executive Director, the Personnel Committee establishes and reviews policies and procedures for the hiring, evaluation, and termination of staff, reviews grievances as needed, and presents changes or additions to Rowe’s personnel policies to the Board for approval.
Development Committee
The Development Committee creates a yearly development plan for the organization that lists campaigns, goals, and schedules for the year. The committee has oversight of all fundraising activities as well as policies and procedures pertaining to membership. The committee provides the Board with leadership and support for fundraising.
Finance/Investment Committee
The Finance/Investment Committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations for the budget before it is presented to the board, and it is responsible for long-term financial planning, budget monitoring, expenditure control, and financial analysis and review. It also reviews the portfolio of Rowe’s investments, recommends changes in investments, and provides an Annual Report on the portfolio’s performance.
Youth Programs Advisory Committee
The Youth Programs Advisory Committee is an advisory committee for the Board of Trustees that focuses on the sustainability, growth, quality and well-being of Rowe’s youth and young adult focused programming. The committee is chaired by one member of the Board of Trustees. The twelve members of the committee offer support and advice to the Board of Trustees. YPAC does not make decisions about the camps. The committee is an opportunity for former campers and former staff to support camp.
The committee is committed to inclusion, equity, diversity, and access and all committee members agree to respectfully honor each other’s skills, connections, and expertise. If you are interested in joining us, please complete this form.
Board Meetings
The Board meets monthly to further the work of The Rowe Center. Regular Meetings are held in hybrid format, via Zoom and in person on the Rowe campus, unless otherwise noted. All Regular Meetings are open to Rowe Members and the wider community who wish to attend as guests. If time permits we do allow guest commentary at the end of each meeting. The Board may also hold Special Sessions, which may be closed to the public, as needed.
Board agendas and minutes are available at the bottom of this page.
2024 – 2025 Meeting Schedule & Simplified Agenda
Please see the full schedule for meeting times and locations.
- Call the Meeting to Order
- Check In
- Approval of Minutes
- Executive Director’s Report
- Old Business
- New Business
- Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report
- Development Committee Report
- Nominating Committee Report
- Personnel Committee Report
- Governance Committee Report
- Youth Programs Committee Report
- Executive Director Committees Report
- Next Meetings and Other Announcements
- Adjournment or Executive Session
Important Documents
Transparency is the cornerstone of any healthy and ethical organization. The Rowe Center prides itself on going beyond the minimum, making a wide range of minutes, reports, polices and other governing documents available to the public. Please contact with any questions regarding public documents.