
Third Tuesday of the month

7-8:30pm EST


2024 dates:

Jan 16 | Feb 20 | Mar 19 | Apr 16
May 21 | June 18 | July 16 | Aug 20
Sept 17 | Oct 15 | Nov 19 | Dec 17

Program Cost:


About The Program

This is your invitation to join in a sacred online circle with people like yourself who have had or now have cancer, to deeply listen to your own experience and that of others.

The monthly online meetings will feature listening exercises, reflection, sharing, spiritual reading, remote Reiki, and meditation to awaken the dynamic and healing presence of Divine Spirit within all participants.

Sylvia, the facilitator, has been an educator in both public and private sectors for over 35 years. She writes: “In the last three years I experienced the shock of not just one, but two cancer diagnoses. I felt a wide range of emotions such as anger, sadness, anxiety and confusion. My life felt like a mess to say the least! In the midst of these stark challenges, I made it a personal practice to reflect on and share even my most vulnerable feelings. I also listened deeply to my own experience and to the experience of others. As difficult as this was to do, I began to notice new insights and healings unfolding within me. I realized over time that Divine Spirit was giving me unique opportunities to heal and grow through this cancer. In the midst of what seemed like a very dark time in my life, surprising and unexpected blessings emerged. Transformation was happening and continues to happen to create something new.”


This program will not be recorded.

Meet the Presenter

Sylvia Murphy

Sylvia Murphy

Sylvia Murphy is a graduate of the Rowe Center’s Spiritual Guidance Program. She holds a master’s degree from the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College and is a certified Reiki Master with further studies in Svaroopa Yoga, Ayurvedic Spirituality, and Sound Healing.